Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dear Lord...

It's a great day you know and I'm looking forward to what the day holds more. I'm checking my mails now, in a long time you know. But I'm impressed about many things. Finally, my friend, Barbara has started blogging. That's really great. I guess Barbara has finally kept to her resolution to start blogging this year. I'm so happy for her...

What's up with me this time? Honestly I don't know. I'm just taking life as it is. I'm torn between my vanity and my spirituality. I know quite well the difference between the sacred and the profane. I don't want to be "over-spiritual". I just want to grow at my own pace. Just take things as they come. But man is not just a physical being! Man is spiritual, therefore I'm spiritual. So spiritual things must really be held with importance.

I hope I'll be able to balance that. I love my vanity as well you know, my career, women, friends, people and all. The deep people of course are spiritual. Spiritual is quite relative and for clarity, I'm talking about that deep feeling of communion with God and that latent satisfaction within that you're on the right track. Of course the holy book tells me that once I seek His kingdom, all other things will be added to me.

Lord, I crave for this deep feeling, of closeness to you. I really ask for this and I believe I'll get it. I really hope I can put my career, forgo the women and hope I don't miss out from those stories with friends in future, and be focused on you.

This, I ask of you dear Lord.

1 comment:

Tairebabs said...

Hey S, nice write up as usually. Yes! Thanks for getting me in the blogging spirit again; you have been an inspiration. Now I can't stop. Lol.