If there is anything I know presently, I know that faith works. It's quite amusing that as much as the pentecostal pastors had made a show of the need for faith, it is quite not a religious thing. It's more of a way of life. It's just like christianity. Take this as an illustration. I once heard of a story. A guy planted some seeds in two flower pots. To one pot which I will call POT A, he prophesied good things. He would rise up and go to the pot, tender it germinating seed with that small leaf, sprinkle some water into the pot and slowly he began: "this plant, you'll do well, it will be better for you. Like a beautiful rose shall you bud, and like the ciders shall you blossom". He went on and on. Later, he carefully placed the pot in its place and proceeded to the other pot which I will call POT B. His mien suddenly changed. He sulked and with indignation, looked at the parched soil in the pot. Of course he refused to water the seed. He started: "you this plant, you just refused to grow. You're such a disgrace. You just can't bud let alone blossom into a beautiful plant"
Do you know what happened some months later? There had of course been changes. POT A had been overshadowed by the blossomed flower. A beautiful sight to behold. Friends got into the room. "this should be in the backyard, bring it into the living room!", the first person said. "why not keep it at the entrance, it's so beautiful", the second person said. Everyone hooed and haed at the great transformation staring them in the eyes. The other pot does not give anything to be happy about anyway. The soil had become parched and hideous. The plant had died, decayed and gradually decomposing.
This is quite applicable in our daily lives. It's common knowledge at the college how people just turn a blind eye to some "tough" courses. They don't just get it. Do you this actually happened? My friends and I were just passing along the corridor of the faculty in my part 2 days. We heard these girls discussing a course - law of contract. I must confess to you, Mr. Taiwo really made that course difficult for us. You just don't know how to answer it. I had a terrible C in the two semesters and my GP never remain the same again. The conversation ensued:
1st girl: What do you think about this contract?
2nd girl: men! it's killing me... (sighs) I just think I will carry the course and maybe next session, Taiwo won't take it.
3rd girl: do you think that's wise. What about the outstanding EGL101 you still have?
Whether they passed the course or not, I really can't say but it leaves much to ponder in mind. What you say, do or think really do have a lot to do with what' s up with you. What's more, I've seen this happen in people's lives and mine is no exception.
You know I've been talking about getting a laptop since "forever" like Pumping would say. I just keep saying it. "I know I've my laptop. Thank you Lord because I've my laptop." I went on like that. What was interesting about it all was when I went home for the hols. I just told my pop, didn't know how it's going to come in but now I've it. It's GOD of course but my faith worked!
Have faith!
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